So Pictured here is some delicious chocolate pancakes. I have always liked chocolate breakfast food. I have wondered how my mom makes her chocolate waffles... because it was an odd recipe.. She used only egg whites for fluff or something. Anyhow, we were bored in the restaraunt and Justin was going to make himself some pancakes and I said, HOW BORING!! He just looked at me and I was like, lets do something fun with them!! (not to mention I was craving chocolate). I went into our dry storage and grabbed some of the cocoa powder and some chocolate chunks that a coffee store uses.. ;). I just mixed it in with the normal pancake batter and wa-la you have chocolate pancakes. Oh be carefule because they burn faster, and they will appear uncooked because of the melted chocolate bits. I assure you, they are cooked. Do not cook too long or your pancake will be dry..
The 2nd thing that I tried that day with pancakes was.. Cherry Coke White Chocolate. They actually tasted pretty good!! It is hard to get the cherry coke flavor so concentrated... I am still working on that part, but they tasted fairly well and Jose liked those ones better than the chocolate.. But he doesn't really like chocolate.

The next day Jose and I were making pico and he made me try it before he did. I wanted to die!! It was so spicy, my ears got super red, my throat was hurting, I was sweating... and my eyes were all teary!! Jose didn't believe me that it was too hot and so when he tasted it, well... he went and got milk. LOSER. haha. We gave some to a sous chef that we don't like.. he walked off and didn't say anything while I proceded to laugh. Jose ended up putting the pico in many things... he made a quesadilla, to even putting it in a waffle.. I didn't really care for it in the waffle.
After that, I wanted to make rootbeer french toast. Jarome said it kind of tasted like marshmellows.. and well, it kinda did!! I couldn't really taste the root beer either. So, we went and got more rootbeer stuff (notice we don't use soda, something else to get the flavor). I was wondering if the taste would come through better if it sat overnight... sadly, I was not scheduled the next day! I wonder if it is still there.. probably not.

This is just a huge berry... I don't know if I have ever seen one this big before. It tasted good though!! Maybe I will experiement more at work sometime. I do know that I really love cooking though. Sometimes I wonder why I am in this industry though...
Ps. I went and got a massage and my lower back is really killing me now.. Like.. OUCH. Brittany said that it could hurt for two days. I should just have her give me a massage and me pay her.

I also had tarot cards read to me the other night! It was very interesting, and you know what... They all made a lot of sense. It sounds odd and I don't care if you believe them or not, but you know, why not? My first card was the "death/re-birth card". I just have some new little ones coming into the family soon. I just can't figure out who needs me. That is the only thing that is really bugging me. No one needs me honestly. I thought that it was interesting how she pointed out that I need to be by the water and be in the water a lot to calm me down!! Looks like I found a way to calm Ms. Katie down. The lady also owns a cool vespa :) I would totally buy it!!! Not even kidding. But, my friend Nicole has an amazing aunt. :) Thanks Nicole!! (We also need to get away according to the tarot cards)